Court Ordered Classes

Court Ordered Classes

This service includes the development of parenting plans, conducting child interviews, coordinating parenting efforts, and teaching domestic relations classes. These classes are particularly beneficial for individuals mandated by court orders to complete specific programs.

Additionally, group sessions provide powerful support for individuals experiencing loss due to death or divorce. Sharing stories and finding solace in a supportive group setting can lead to personal growth and healing. The classes emphasize the pillars of courage, strength, and hope. Call now to book a session and gain the support you need through our court-ordered classes!

Zoom meetings are available at flexible hours, according to the time zone.

Per Class Starting Price

Expert Guidance for Your Journey to Wellness

We’re excited to hear from you and assist you on your journey towards a happier, healthier life. Whether you have questions about our services, want to learn more about our products, or are ready to book a session, our team is here to provide the support you need.